
Tracer Studies: Bridging the Gap Between Education and Employment

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Recognition that work is intrinsically associated with learning has been widely accepted on a global scale. Educational programmes supporting this association are implemented worldwide, with governmental agencies and universities acknowledging its critical importance. This acceptance is further grounded in the understanding that practical experience in a workplace environment enhances theoretical learning, leading to better employment outcomes.

Enterprises University of Pretoria (Pty) Ltd (Enterprises UP) has been at the forefront of implementing tracer studies to trace and track learners who have completed work-integrated learning (WIL) programmes with various Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs). These tracer studies are crucial for promoting self-employment and/or employment within the relevant sectors of the SETA-funded skills development programmes.

Tracer studies conducted by Enterprises UP serve several key functions, by following-up with graduates of WIL programmes, tracer studies provide valuable data on employment rates, job types, and career progression. The data collected helps in evaluating the effectiveness of the training programmes, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.

Insights gained from these studies inform policymakers and educators on how to tailor educational programmes to better meet the needs of the job market. The feedback loop created by tracer studies encourages continuous improvement in curriculum design and delivery, ensuring that programmes remain relevant and effective.

For organisations seeking innovative solutions and expertise, Enterprises UP stands ready to assist. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you and your organisation.

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